Living in a truck to help dogs

By traveling with our truck we will have the opportunity to reach remote places and act directly on the ground. We will have no intermediaries, so we will be fully responsible and aware of our help. Our help will consist, among many other things... in the creation of a Kit. In this Kit will be found: a bowl, a leash, food, first aid kit, a blanket, a toy, and antiparasitics (Badaboom Dog Kit). Once on the road we will organize to collect other necessities. We will open a Youtube channel and thus try to document our progress to keep you informed. 

Our Kit will be distributed free of charge to the homeless or those who care for a dog... Of course, we will offer our help to all animals we meet on our way.

Just a few stories


For years, Michael has been going to the streets of Chonburi, a city about 100 kilometers from Bangkok, every day and carrying kibble and food for as many as 80 abandoned dogs. It is thanks to his efforts that these animals are able to survive in a country that does not give them due attention and where poisoning cases are frequent. In Bangkok alone there are as many as 300,000 abandoned dogs.

His journey to feed the stray dogs starts as early as the early morning when he goes to work and continues in the various time slots until it is time to return home.

And once a month, Michael also tries to provide the animals with a remedy to keep the pests away. He bears all the costs, thanks to a few small private donations. And when one of his little friends needs treatment, Michael houses it in the back of the restaurant until it recovers. And he has also managed to get some of his four-legged friends adopted, not counting his dogs, as many as 9, all adopted from the streets of Chonburi.

Michael's is an important gesture: in the video, images of his daily journey to feed abandoned dogs.

Heroes who help the homeless in paying for the care of their beloved dogs

On the streets of Rishikesh, India, volunteers from Guardians of the Voiceless came across an extraordinary pair: Baba Gulab Singh and his best friend, Tiger the dog. They stopped to get acquainted with the puppy, and immediately noticed that something was wrong with him. From his side, at stomach level, a huge pouch was protruding. And it was immediately clear that it was a tumor and needed urgent medical attention. So they did everything they could to help.

Gulab told the Guardians that he had already taken Tiger to the hospital but could not afford the cost of veterinary care. The homeless man was evidently apprehensive about the state of his beloved puppy's health and did not know what to do except give him all his love. The two have always been together. They sleep near the train station and keep each other warm. Gulab even modified a sweater he found to fit the dog's body. And when he realized they were offering him real and sincere help, he almost couldn't believe it.

"Talking to him, we realized what a humble and loving man we had met," the Guardians recounted. "All animals are his best friends and he tries to help them as much as he can." The attachment with Tiget, however, is almost visceral.

The two have a special bond. "And we wanted to help them both. They are two special beings." Tiger has now been taken in by a veterinarian, who will consider how to intervene on the tumor, most likely with surgery. And Gulab is never detached from him, helping as much as she can with the other animals Guardians of the voiceless cares for.

Major continued to call 9-1-1 until his person was rescued

Terry McGlade, a U.S. Marine suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and seizures after being injured by an IED in Afghanistan, relies on his service dog, Major, for daily assistance. Major stepped in one day when McGlade needed him most. When McGlade had a seizure, the Pit/Labrador Retriever mix pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and put his paw on it to call emergency services. The dispatchers thought it was a prank phone call and kept hanging up. Major, however, refused to accept it, so he kept calling.

Eventually, they heard McGlade in the background and sent ambulances. When they arrived, Major was waiting in front of them to lead them to his person.

Lucca's last act of service was to protect Marines from an explosive device detonation

During his six-year career with the Marine Corps, Lucca positively identified more than 40 IEDs, saving countless lives. The German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois mix has functioned as an explosives detection dog, leading some 400 patrols.

In 2012, he preceded his marines into Afghanistan to search for explosives. He detected one explosive device, but during the search, a second unexpectedly detonated, injuring Lucca.